Complete RTM Intelligence Suite.

The power of Simsi Risk Terrain Modeling "Intelligence".

The power of SIMSI Risk Terrain Modeling software and a dedicated analyst for reports on-demand*.


RTM Intelligence Suite.

The power of Simsi Risk Terrain Modeling "Intelligence".

Every OPS Network Partner Agency gets the power of SIMSI Risk Terrain Modeling software and a dedicated analyst for reports on-demand*.


Crime & Environmental Factors

OPS and the Simsi Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), creates a powerful diagnostic and networking toolkit allowing OPS Partner Agencies and communities to identify environmental conditions (places and things) that lead to crime and other problems and utilize that information to effectively work together.

Better Community Engagement

Get context on why crime is happening. Involve community members and other stakeholders to address the problems at the right places and times.

Better Spatial Awareness

Get a better picture of what is affecting crime patterns, without the bias.

Safer Communities

Deal a strong hand to reduce and prevent crime with a softer touch. Maximize local resources and expertise to make your community safer and strengthen public relations.

A Focus on Places
for Crime Prevention & Public Safety

OPS now enables all agencies to request up to five (5)  yearly RTM Intelligence reports* via the OPS Network and receive the results, analyzed by a professional analyst, directly from the OPS Network™.  All included with every agency’s OPS partnership*.

With each RTM report, information can be analyzed and shared instantly via OPS, creating a fluid intelligence-based law enforcement and community partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is OPS PLUS™ and how is it different from OPS?

All OPS Partner Agencies* have access and use of all OPS Network assets and tools to include a dedicated analyst providing up to 5 RTM reports on-demand per year. OPS PLUS Partner Agencies have access to the entire OPS NetworkPLUS additional Risk Terrain Modeling Intelligence reports “on-demand”.

How does it work?

OPS PLUS Partner Agencies will have the ability to submit additional RTM requests via the OPS Network and receive reports from a Simsi RTM Analyst regarding the request. No additional tools or logins are needed. 

What is RTM?

Risk Terrain Modeling is a unique intelligence platform that focuses on places and the human connections to them.

RTM shows how people interact at particular places and times to create contexts and opportunities for specific behaviors and outcomes, such as crime.


Does our agency need to create a new account or purchase other software or hardware?

No. OPS PLUS Partner Agencies access, submit and receive RTM reports and analysys completely via the OPS Network.

Can we share these reports?

Yes. ALL RTM reports can be instantly shared via OPS. The goal of Simsi RTM and OPS is to allow law enforcement to analyze certain environmental patterns and work with OPS Partner Agencies and communities to create targeted strategies to address crime.

What is included with OPS PLUS™?

OPS PLUSPartner Agencies receive numerous targeted RTM analysis reports (above the 5 included with OPS) per year (for the requested crime or event) as well as access to “Site Risk Reports” and interactive maps*.

When setting up your OPS PLUS Network, your OPS Regional Representative can discuss the various Simsi intelligence package options.

Is there an extra cost for OPS PLUS™?

RTM and an analyst are included with OPS*. OPS Plus, to include additional reports, does have additional costs based on the services requested.

* OPS Network agencies level 6 and above include the basic RTM SIMSI Intelligence Suite by default. Agency levels 1 through 5 have the option to add RTM at the agency’s request.

Not automatically included and restrictions apply for State and Federal agencies. Options should be discussed with your OPS Representative.

Ready to become an OPS Plus Partner?

Cick the below button to begin the process of claiming your agency’s OPS Network and become an OPS PLUS Partner.

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